Friday, November 22, 2024

Units Coordination and Algebra

 Back in 2018 I wrote a 3 part blog series for NCTM on Units Coordination (found here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 on my blog).  At that time it was still relatively new learning for me.  The blog series allowed me to pull together everything I had been working on into a (hopefully) coherent form.  Here it is 6 years!!! later and I am still learning, reading research, and trying to leverage my understanding to help students grow in their ability to coordinate units.  The one thing I am confident about is that students' ability to coordinate units impacts their ability to do math at all levels.

Recently there have been a few things that have crossed my path that prompted this blog post.  

This post by Michael Pershan resonated with me.  I grabbed a book off my shelf today to look for inspiration for a project and there was a post-it on one of the pages that said, "Why does the claim seem to stick and not the reasoning?"  So many students are taught conceptually.  They notice patterns.  They generalize.  These are all the things we want students to do, but as they move forward through the years all they remember are rules.  They generalize a pattern seen in written notation, but they don't deeply understand the number relationships that exist in that pattern.  So how can they extend that into the world of variables?  

A quote that really hit me hard recently comes from this article from Anderson Norton.  

Steffe (2007) has estimated that, by the end of fifth grade, 30-50% of students operate at Stage 1 (e.g., Cody), where the remainder of the population is comprised of students operating at Stages 2 or 3. Coordinating additional units, i.e., moving from one stage to the next, requires a substantial reorganization in students’ ways of operating, which can take as long as two years (Steffe & Cobb, 1988; Steffe & Olive, 2010)

If you haven't read the other blog posts, students at Stage 1 do not have multiplicative reasoning.  In a problem like 8 x 4 a student needs to recognize that there are 8 groups of 4.  4 being four individual items and a unit of 4.  Multiplication strategies will chunk the 8 into small groups, such as  5(4) + 3(4).  A student then has to unitize 5 groups of 4 as being a unit, groups of 4, and individual items all at the same time.  A student at a Stage 1 does not have the ability to coordinate all of those units.  A student at Stage 2 might not be able to either.  

Think about what this means for algebra.   The same article references research that found students operating at a Stage 1 "do not readily represent an unknown length with a letter".  How could they?  They only understand the number 4 as 4 individual items and need to build groups of 4 with individual items in order to see there is a group there.  How can an x represent anything other than 1?  

Students at a stage 2 can use letters to represent unknown lengths, but it is the coefficient they struggle with.  They understand 4 as four individual units and as a unit of 4.  They do not see multiple groups of 4 as a unit, and that is the multiplier in an expression like 4x.  

So what is our path forward for these students?  The researchers will tell you that to improve a student's ability to coordinate units you need to give them a task that has more units than they can handle and have them solve it "with activity" (manipulatives, drawings, etc).  We need to build this idea of units in a concrete way.  When I think about the different representations of algebra I have some initial thoughts:

Hanger Model: does a great job helping students understand equality and the balance that exists in an equation. For stage 1 students to understand a shape on the model with a value higher than 1, you might need to pull out some connecting cubes or counters to build what is in the model for them to see all the individual units and start to unitize the group.  

Algebra Tiles: will help students at a Stage 2 understand the coefficient.  A connection students seem to miss is that 4x is multiplication but also repeated addition (x + x +x + x).  It is important to facilitate conversations about this because the written notation shows multiplication but algebra tiles show addition.

Algebra Pan Balance or Cups (see Part 3 above): these are probably the best representation for students at stage 1 because the variable is unknown but there are individual items in the container.  This will help students start to see that the variable as a unit (cup) but also individual items.   

I have also used Splat by Steve Wyborney for solving equations.  Similar to using cups but it is a digit representation.  I shared this work at the Wisconsin Math Council virtual conference in 2021. 

So to circle back to Micheal Pershan's post, I believe it is the number relationships at the heart of the units coordination work that we need to pay attention to, support, and build for students.  We need to keep circling back to the representations and check in on the student's ability to describe, explain, and create those representations.  We need to carefully select representations that help students unitize and engender more sophisticated understanding. Our goal is to help students understand math in a way that they can transfer it and apply it to new problems.  The more levels of units they can work with at one time will impact how they interpret and understand new problems because not all 3s are created equal. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Solve Me Mobile Equations

 I love using Solve Me Mobiles with my students especially as we work on solving equations.  This year I decided to dig a little deeper into the mobiles to see how I could facilitate more discussion around the thinking used to solve mobiles (which students always engage in) and connecting it to the algebraic work required in class (which some students don't understand or engage in).  

The Open Up Resources curriculum has some great lessons that use the hanger model. If you haven't already you should check them out. Along with that I found the book Making Sense of Algebra on my shelf.  Probably something I bought pre-Covid thinking I would have time.  It is a great read.  It focuses on Habits of Mind, much like math practices, that should be developed so students are successful in Algebra.  One of the chapters, Solving and Building Puzzles, discusses the Solve Me Mobiles.  The book explains that puzzles help build stamina because of the little wins that students get along the way.  That explains why students are more likely to engage in the Mobiles than in an algebra problem. The mobile is easily accessible to all students and those with low math confidence don't look at it and immediately shut down like they might be inclined to do with an algebraic equation.  The mobile allows us to transition the students to the algebraic notation that is presented in the mobile.  What really resonated with me when reading was the statement that we need to make the logic explicit.  Students are doing the thinking, but how can we take a step back and really help them think about what they are doing and how that thinking is algebraic in nature.  

So these were my 2 goals:

1. transition to algebraic notation

2. draw attention to the logic and reasoning being used

After using the 6th grade Open Up Curriculum with hanger models, I pulled this problem from the 7th grade curriculum.

I like how it gets students thinking about the relationships to come up with true and false statements.  There is nothing that needs to be solved so students get to take it all in and notice relationships.  This was my entry point for what I wanted to accomplish.

I pulled some of the mobiles and removed any numbers at the top or in the solution so that students would not need to solve the mobile. Then we focused on making statements that must be true.  
My original plan was to slowly transition to algebraic notation.  I wrote one statement and I was ready to start short-handing it.  The students caught on very quick to how what they said translated into an equation.  This mobile for example, we know that 3 moons and a hexagon weigh the same as two triangles and a hexagon, 3m + h = 2t + h.  The simplicity of this mobile allowed us to push our thinking forward.  That is really the only statement that came up at first.  Then we noticed (or I nudged them to think about) that there is a hexagon on each side of the mobile.  For some students pulled out my balance scale and removed counters from each side so they could think about how removing items affects the scale.  We were able to come to the conclusion that 3m = 2t.  Our algebraic work from our discussion looked like this:
Each image of a mobile added another layer to our algebraic thinking and work. 
This mobile allowed us to remove drops from both sides, but also think about what balances with just one square.  If you do this you will want some way to draw all over your mobile, either on a Smartboard or with an annotating extension.  We marked up the mobiles a lot in our discussions.  

By this point I was officially asking for equations, although we were still speaking in shapes rather than variables.  This next mobile added some fun discussions.  

There are 2 parts to the mobile and many shapes that repeat.  There are also two equations with 3t on one side.  This allowed us to use our equations to create other equations (shown in green), which is actually used in solving systems of equations with substitution.   We had some discussions with whole number equations to help understand this.  3+4=7 and 5+2=7, so we know that 3+4=5+2.

This was such a good conversation that I added another mobile for my groups tomorrow. 

Here are the notes I've written for myself to help guide the discussion.

I was so impressed by my students ability to think about the number relationships in this way.  By focusing on making the logic explicit and connecting it to the algebraic notation, I was able to have some great conversations with students who have not solved equations before.  I am hoping when we get to solving equations more formally they have a deeper understanding of the relationships so that they don't feel like they are simply following rules.  

Here is the presentation I used.  It has some Open Up lessons as well as what I plan to do after this activity.  Depending on when you read this it may still be a working document.  I will blog about the rest in a separate post if it goes well.  

I would love to know your thoughts or if you try this activity.  Or if there is another way you connect the mobiles to algebraic reasoning.  Leave a comment below. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Percents with Cuisenaire Rods

I was prepared for today.  I had an intervention with a 7th grader.  We have been building his units coordination and multiplicative reasoning through fraction work.  I had it all planned out based on some success we had seen the session before.  Then he came in worried and wanted to work on an assignment from class.  Knowing that I could work some of our fraction conversations into the assignment I pushed my plans aside and we looked at his homework.  

The assignment was on finding percents using a double number line to help think about the number relationships in the problem.  A double number line is an especially nice representation for this student because it allows him to coordinate and keep track of the units (percent and value, parts and wholes) in a visible way.  

I don't remember the exact problem, but it was about basketball free throws.  12 were made and that was 75% accuracy.  It was asking how many shots were attempted.  

Here is our work as we were discussing.  
The assignment gave an open number line.  He was able to correctly place 75%.  Then wanted to add 50% as 6, because 6 is half of 12.  

As we worked on this problem together and I thought about what he knows and can do with fractions, his confusion did not surprise me.  In fact, I had a huge revelation about percent problems like this, their connection to fraction understanding, and the role of units coordination.  

I am going to frame this in terms of fractions and then you can re-read it replacing the percents into it and think about it through that lens.  
So the student is given the fact 3/4 is equal to 12.  The student needs the understand that 3/4 is made up of 3 - 1/4 pieces (which to a middle schooler is a lot clearer than knowing 75% is made up of 3 - 25% pieces).  

So the 3/4 piece needs to be considered 1 unit that needs to be partitioned into 3 pieces.  So the 12 is divided by 3 to get 4.  
Then the 1/4 piece needs to be considered 1 unit that is iterated 4 times to make up the whole.  
Throughout all of this one whole is a unit that has existed to help us know the size of each piece (our denominator or percent).  

If you kept track through that, this problem has 3 levels of units.  The whole, the unit fraction, and the non-unit fraction.  That doesn't even include the units on the top of the number line, which also has 3 levels of units being worked with in tandem with the percents.

So to do this problem the student needs to be able to:
*Understand fractions and/or percents as measurements.
*Be able to partition and iterate fractions and/or percents.
*Coordinate 3 levels of units.  

Now that I was seeing a clearer connection between fraction development and percents my brain immediately went to Cuisenaire rods.  I have used rods a lot in fraction work and they are a great concrete way help students with all 3 of those bullet points above.  
Mark Chubb (inspired by Dan Meyer) has talked about how important it is to move students up and down the ladder between concrete, representational, and abstract.  Cuisenaire rods seem like a great way to take a few steps down the ladder to make this problem more concrete.  

Because I was also thinking about the levels of units I started to think about the different layers in this problem.  For example: If the problem had given 25% (or 1/4), then there would only be 2 units to coordinate, the unit fraction and the whole.  
It also made me wonder if it is easier for a student to be given 25% and find 100% or be given 100% and find 25%.  I suppose that depends on where the student is in their understanding of partitioning and iterating.  

I decided to pull out my Cuisenaire rods and start thinking about it.  
Here is the document I came up with.
First I stripped away the top part of our double number line.  I wanted to focus on the percent and not the value attached to it.  This is much like the fraction work I have done with the rods.  Only this time students will be partitioning and iterating percents, and hopefully getting a better understanding of percents as measurement.  Many students tend to have a better part-whole understanding of fractions, so it makes sense that they have a better part-whole understanding of percents.  I am not sure I ever really thought about percents having both a part-whole and a measurement model.  (Seems so obvious, right?  Usually the big aha's are. How did I not see this before?)

The first section starts with 100% and has the student find a part.  I separated it into finding unit fractions (are unit percents a thing?) and non-unit fractions because it is the difference between coordinating 2 levels of units and 3.  The left column should be easier for students to think through as they develop their understanding.  

Then I came up with options for starting with the part and determining the whole or 100%.  Again, breaking it apart into unit fractions and non-unit fractions.  If given 25%, students would iterate that piece 4 times to find 100%.  If students are given 75%, they have to determine 25% and either compose the 2 parts or iterate the 25% to get to 100%.  

Then I noticed in my fraction work that I have some where students are given a fraction and have to find another fraction.  So I wanted to create the same with percents.  Students are never specifically asked about the whole (100%), but they still need to be aware of it as they think about the number relationships.  I think that means that all of these require coordinating 3 levels of units, but maybe because it's percents it doesn't.  (UC friends, let me know if I'm wrong about that.)
Given 20% find 60%.  This requires iterating the 20% 3 times to find 60%.
Given 75% find 50%.  This requires a student to know that 75% can be partitioned into 25% pieces, 2 of which make 50%.

All of this percent work could definitely be done as part of understanding percents and fraction, decimal, percent conversions.  In the future I will do this type of activity earlier in the school year, before students have to find percents of a number.  

Then to extend this work to what my student was working on I can simply attach a value to the rod a well as a percent.  Here are some examples in each category:

I spent a lot of time by myself playing with the Cuisenaire rods as I processed all this information.  I learned so much and thought about percents in a way I hadn't before. The document I came up with is simply a cheat sheet for me.  I have found that I cannot think these things through on the fly.  If I try I end up choosing a rod as a percent that doesn't work with the other rods that are there - although I should note that the "piece" that students find does not have to be just one rod.  It opens up the possibilities if students can combine rods together to make the needed lengths.   Jo Boaler actually has a nice activity like that in her Mindset Mathematics Grade 6 curriculum.  It uses fractions so would have to be converted to a percent activity for my purposes here. 

Of course it doesn't stop there.  Mark Chubb, as a true math coach, got me thinking:

Kids totally need to do what I did today.  There was so much great relational thinking.  
  • What rods can I choose?  
  • Which rod won't work as 50%? 
  • Which rod doesn't have a 50% rod to go with it?  
  • What other percents can I make with 20%?
Obviously these are all questions I can ask students as we explore together.  
When I have done fraction activities, I have had students make up their own puzzles for us to solve with the rods. Then we share them.  This would also be a great way to engage students in the exact task I was doing today.  Since my document is just a cheat sheet I won't be using all the options with the students.  That leaves options for them to find through exploration.  

If you made it to the end of this very long post, I would love to know your thoughts.  
  • What might percent increase problems look like?
  • What other types of percent problems am I missing? 
  • What struggles do you see getting in the way of students being successful with percents?

Monday, February 15, 2021

Charging Batteries - An exploration of Percents, Fractions, and Decimals

Today in class I used the Battery - Percents, Decimals & Fractions Desmos activity by Andrew Stadel.  Last week we had done a prompt to find 20% off and my students understood the context of percent off but did not clearly understand that it meant the amount they paid also had a percent attached to it.  For example, if you have 20% off, you pay 80%.  I wanted an activity that helped them better understand the complements that add up to 100%.  The Desmos activity uses the context of a charging battery and it was perfect.  I started with having students estimate the charge on my Chromebook.  They were able to easily tell me the charge on my battery, the percent used, and clearly understood that the two needed to add up to 100%.

From there we launched into the Desmos task.  It is great.  You really need to check it out.  Here is a quick snapshot to entice you.

The task itself is designed to help students make connections between fraction, decimal, and percent values.  We have been doing lots of work with Clothesline Math to help students understand the relationships between numbers and keep track of the different units in a problem.  We were able to use our clotheslines to help us see the connections as we discussed the batteries that were in the task. 

I liked this activity and context so much I decided I needed a few ways to extend it to future warm ups in my classroom.  One thing that I wish I had had for my clothesline were the actual pictures of the batteries.  It could be much like Fraction Talks on a clothesline.  So I used the sliders in the Desmos activity to create this printable with batteries, fractions, decimals, and percents. 

If you scroll down there is a section that has just the batteries.  With just the batteries I can have students place them on the clothesline, thinking about placement and spacing, and then they could come up with the fraction, decimal, percent values on their own.  

I also really liked the slides that had students sketch using certain parameters.  

It reminded of the Menu Math activities that Nat Banting shares on his website.  So I decided to make a Menu Math task using the context of the batteries.  

This was my first time creating a menu math task and I loved trying to find the right combinations so that it could not be easily done in just 1 or 2 batteries.  My daughter and I tested it out and on our first attempt we were each able to do it with 4 batteries.  Plus I loved the discussions we had about some of the wording "at least", "up to", "no more than".  It was partially a lesson on inequalities as well.  You will notice I also tried to incorporate the amount drained/used in order to continue that discussion about the complements that should add up to 100%.  

If you try these activities or have any ideas of other ways to extend this context I would love to hear about it in the comments below.  

Cuisenaire Rod Exploration Day 1

This year for my middle school interventions I have decided to focus on units coordination.  At this point I am envisioning that most of our work with be around multiplicative and fractional reasoning.  Although now that I am starting I may have to do some additive reasoning first with a few students.  

I like to start the year focusing on characteristics of mathematicians (taken from Tracy Zager's Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You'd Had, I wanted some open activities that allowed us to notice, question, and explore.  I chose to use the Cuisenaire Rods and some activities that I learned from Simon Gregg.  

Here was the first day's lesson plan:

Making the counting numbers.

Start with 3

How many ways can we make 3?

Ask Questions: Are 2,1 and 1,2 considered different arrangements?

Prove: Have we found them all?  How do you know?

Move to 4

How many ways can we make 4?

Ask questions: How does that compare to 3?  

Move to 5

Intuition: How many combinations do you think there will be?

How many ways can we make 5?

Work together and alone: As it gets to be more combination will they each make combinations or work to find different ones to make the entire collection?

What do you notice?  What do you wonder?

  • Look for patterns

  • Make predictions

  • Notice relationships (a 3 rod can be replaced with 3 other possibilities).

  • Generalization: Is there a way to figure it out without trying to build them all?

Here are the results of some of our explorations:

I let the groups decide if order mattered.  When it did we found lots of different ways to arrange the combinations and looked for patterns so we could try to predict:


We discovered that if there are 3 blocks there are 3 ways to arrange them. 

If there are 4 blocks there are 4 ways to arrange them.

We didn't have time but this would be a great Always/Sometimes/Never exploration.  (I'll let you try it and see).

For the groups that decided order doesn’t matter there aren’t as many combinations but it was harder to explain/prove we had found them all (maybe because we didn’t spend as much time thinking about all the possibilities and arranging them to make sure we had them all). 

From 5-6, a student realized they could use all the combinations of 5 and then add one to each.  Then looked for additional combinations.  

We noticed a pattern, but our pattern broke.  


This activity on the surface seems very elementary.  I had a moment of doubt before my first group of students.  "Am I really going to ask 8th graders what numbers add up to 4?"  Thankfully I pushed that doubt aside, knowing the power of the Cuisenaire rods.  I loved every minute of this.  It was challenging to try to find all combinations.  It reminded me a lot of the work we do with probability before students know how to make probability tables or trees.  We needed an organized list, a way to organize our combinations to make sure we had them all.  It was very cool to see the different ways that students chose to arrange their collection and explain how they knew they didn't miss any.  
It was interesting to see the predictions and how they would change them once they started making their collection without any prompting.  

Even after class I continued to explore on my own because I was so fascinated by it all.  Here are some resources Simon shared with me as I explored.
Here is a blog post with a proof that confirms our doubling pattern. 
It also shows how Pascal's Triangle shows up in the pattern.

As for our broken pattern, I still am not sure about that, but it turns out that Rananujan worked on that and his work is celebrated in this beautiful children's book.  

Friday, February 21, 2020

Thinking about Success Criteria

I was listening to the Make Math Moments that Matter Podcast (Episode #63: Convincing Students To Value Struggle – A Math Mentoring Moment).  It was a story from a middle school teacher that is all too familiar to me.  She was using rich tasks to get students engaging in deep mathematical thinking and the students were just wanting her to tell them how to do the math.  I've been there.  It is frustrating when you know what math can be and want to share it with students and all they want is the answer and a good grade.  I was excited because I wanted to hear where the conversations and mentoring session would lead. 

As I listened, this quote from Jon Orr lit my mind on fire.  (29:12 - 29:36)
"The kids want to be successful too and sometimes when kids go home and tell parents that or voice those concerns in class they are really saying 'I'm not getting what I need.' They only have to resort back to the way they were taught before, so I don't think it is a situation where you have to teach me the other way. I think it's just they are feeling like they are not getting those mini successes that they would get.  There is something there that they are walking out going 'I didn't feel accomplished today.'"

From there the conversation turned to learning intentions, purposeful questioning, and closing the lesson, but at that point I was only half listening.  (I will have to go back and listen to that again later.)  My mind was reeling over this realization that kids aren't actually asking for direct instruction.  They are asking for what they feel they aren't getting, a sense of accomplishment.  After all, isn't that what motivates us.  As much as I don't like 20 questions of the same problem, I can see how a student would feel a sense of accomplishment when they had finished.  They would feel like they knew what they were supposed to know because they could do that worksheet.  How do we help students have this same sense of accomplishment through our rich tasks and group discourse?  The learning intentions are a great tool.  We use learning targets in my district and this year have been fine tuning them to focus not only one the learning intention, but the why.  I that...  It has helped us, as teachers, to think about the progression of learning and our purpose .  They are definitely invaluable, but I'm not entirely convinced they bring that sense of accomplishment.  I think what students like about the "You teach. I'll mimic." approach is that it is black and white, clear cut, no grey areas.  

I have to admit, I coach my son's Destination Imagination team and the challenges are as grey as it gets.  "Make a structure that triggers a special effect and a story to go with it."  Ready. Go.  There have been plenty of times I have longed for more direction and structure, even though I appreciate the creativity that comes from not having a clear direction.  I imagine students feel the same way about rich tasks in math.

Along with our learning targets, we have started creating success criteria for each lesson.  This is really where my brain went after Jon's statement.  I have been leading our PLCs and I have thought a lot about our success criteria this year.  
Here is a quick look at part of a pacing guide we have created this year:
(It's a work in progress, so if you have feedback I'd love to hear it.)

Some of my thinking around success criteria is that it often seems to just be a repeat of the target.  At times we will put a specific problem in the criteria so that students can more easily self reflect on their understanding.  Other times we might identify a problem in the lesson that we would consider a hinge question or exit task (see Formative 5 or Episode 32 of Make Math Moments Podcast) that we could use to determine student understanding with our learning target.  Some days the success criteria is to be able to explain a new strategy, vocabulary words, or connect the new material to background knowledge.  All of the success criteria were created through the lens of formative assessment.  What do we want students to be able to do/understand after this lesson.  How will we know and how will the students know if they have met the learning target for the day?  

Jon's statement this morning got me thinking about our success criteria and whether or not it fosters that sense of accomplishment in our students.  Throughout our process this year we have found that checking in on the success criteria a few days after the lesson works better for most lessons.  Many students might not be fully successful that day, but when given time to process the information and practice with spiraled review problems then the pieces start to fall into place.  Looking through this lens of students' feeling successful, our success criteria might have that effect within the unit, but how might they leave feeling each day?  Do they feel like they are always a day late and a dollar short?

This week as we were working on a pacing guide there was a series of 3 lessons.  The first day is an exploration of rigid transformations.  Success would be engaging in the exploration.  There is no definitive thinking we expect out of that day.  It is simply an experience they can pull from the next 2 days as we formalize some of their noticings.  We were not going to have success criteria that day.  What might be the impact that has on students? Will they leave class that day with that anxious feeling mentioned in the podcast where they don't know what they were supposed to learn?  Will they connect with success criteria about observing and noticing patterns? Or does that lack parameters that students would need in order to determine if they were successful?  

All these questions are swimming around in my head.  
Have we oversimplified our success criteria because we wanted something students could measure in order to self reflect?  
Are our current success criteria valid if we don't expect students to be successful with them by the end of class?
How might the success criteria look different if we focus on the student perspective of feeling a sense of accomplishment for that day?  

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Creating an Intervention Course - Planning Activities

This is the third post in a series about creating an intervention course.  The first post can be found here.

The pacing guide discussed in the last blog post, gave me an outline for the first unit.  I have a better understanding of what concepts we want to teach.  This in and of itself feels like a huge improvement from what we have done in the past because we now have some direction.  There are so many great resources and activities.  I could spend a whole month on some of these topics: area and perimeter, fractions, percents.  In looking for activities I have some criteria in mind.  

  1. It must allow the students to play and explore ideas.  
  2. It must elicit conversation so that teachers get a better understanding of student thinking and misconceptions.
  3. It must help create understanding and make connections (not practice skills and procedures that are memorized).
  4. It must have some support for teachers who are facilitating the activities.
The teachers I work with are great.  I am truly blessed to be surrounded by dedicated, passionate math teachers.  When we adapted CPM curriculum 6 years ago we were all in.  It was a very tough year, but we embraced the teamwork, collaboration, and hands on activities.  We have truly transformed our math classrooms.  I do not need to worry about doing any PD around what math class should look like.  Now that we know what it should look like, we also know that it can take a lot of time to plan quality lessons and tasks.  And as much as the teachers understand math at their grade level, we do not always understand what conceptual teaching looks like for grade levels below ours.  I have dedicated a lot of time over the past 4 years learning elementary math so that I can be a better middle school teacher.  The downside of that is that I lost my work / life balance and wore myself too thin trying to do it all.  Because of this I want to find resources that provide that professional development for teachers.  

The 2 main resources I plan to use are Jo Boaler's Mindset Mathematics books and Illustrative Math Open Up Resources.  These two resources have lesson plans for teachers and resources at grade levels below 7th grade.  These are both great resources that allow students to explore the concepts with quality tasks. I don't want to overwhelm teachers with too many resources at this point, so while there are many other quality resources that fit my description, these are the two I intend to use the most.  I will supplement with other resources if I can't find what I am looking for in these to places.  

As I am filling in the pacing chart with activities and learning targets I am also linking to notes below the table.  One of the 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions is anticipate. I think it was Jon Orr, in one of the first Make Math Moments that Matter Podcast, who said  

he tries to think about the least amount of math a student could use to solve a task.  

So this is what I have been doing.  Not only anticipating the least amount of math, but thinking about what skill sets they need in order to choose a more sophisticated strategy.  This is going to be important for teachers to make note and ask questions to elicit student thinking.  Often times in middle school interventions students know other strategies, they just don't feel confident using them or they have a go to method that they use whether it is efficient or not.  Some students have actually become so efficient at strategies that should not be efficient (like count by ones) that it can be hard to get them to move forward in their thinking.  These are all things that we need to uncover through conversations.    

With the start of the school year, I am doing the anticipating and writing my notes.  The goal is to do this with the teacher team once we get rolling and have time to meet.  Here is an example of some of the notes I've written:

My first meeting with the teachers will be tomorrow.  We need to discuss success criteria and the first few activities.  

I will let you know how it goes.